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Roborovski breeding animals

This is the overview of all current and past breeding hamsters who have or are currently living in my hamstery. Register numbers are their register numbers in Svenska Hamsterföreningen (SHF).

I breed the colors wildblue (blue), cinnamon, lilac, BEW, REW, sometimes agouti but not often.

The patterns i breed are dominant spot, headspot, husky (recessive whiteface) and trying to move a bit away from recessive spot. Also trying to get my hands on dominant whiteface and platinum.


Winter Desert's Mew


Born: 10.05.2024♉

Litter 8

Agouti headspot / AA Dsds ss Pp

Father: Dragon's Myyrä - Cinnamon 

Mom: Dragon's Nokia Tune - BEW

Siblings: 1


Lengde: cm


Planned to be paired with Saskia's Minun for a headspot litter. Also hoping to pair him with a cinnamon or lilac female sometime for red eyed headspot.

Winter Desert's MewTwo


Born: 10.05.2024♉

Litter 8

Agouti spot / AA ?? Pp

Father: Dragon's Myyrä - Cinnamon 

Mom: Dragon's Nokia Tune - BEW

Siblings: 1


Lengde: 8cm

Vekt: 26,14 gram

A bit uncertain yet whether she is dominant or recessive spot. Likely to be put together with Haribo (litter 1) later this year for a litter

Winter Desert's Swirlix


Born: 16.04.2024♈

Litter 7

Agouti / AA Dd Ss H_ P_

Father: Winter desert's Suicune - Wildblue

Mom: Winter Desert's Marshmallow - Agouti recessive pied

Siblings: 1 sister, 3 brothers, 2 stillborn

Pups: 0 

Lengde: 8cm


Saskia's Plusle


Born: 25.07.2024♌


Cinnamon husky / pp hh

Father: Adani-Zari Teddy - Lilac recessive spot

Mom: Saskia's Husky - AA hh



Lengde: 7cm


En herlig liten fyr, han trenger litt jobb med håndtering men så er det mer fargen som gjerne er sånn. Har noen gode avlsplaner for han i fremtiden jeg håper hjelper litt på det da så ser frem til det.

Winter Desert's Chamallow

Reg: 24-RR15

Born: 21.01.2024♒

Litter 3

Agouti husky recessive pied / AA hh ss D_ P_

Father: Dragon's Keskustassa - Agouti recessive pied

Mom: Winter Desert's Marshmallow - Agouti recessive pied

Littermates: 2 sisters, 1 brother

Søsken far: 0

Siblings mom: 5 (+2 stillborn)


Lengde: 8cm


Adani-Zari Teddy

Reg: 24-RR26

Born: 17.12.2023♐

Czech Republic

Lilac recessive pied / dd pp ss H_ 

Father: Navel Diamond - Wildblue

Mom: Adani-Zari Waffle - Lilac recessive pied


Siblings dad: 3 sisters, 1 brother

Siblings mom: 0 or unknown


Lengde: 7,5cm


Chamallow har ett helt herlig temperament hun fører ned til sine avkom. Hun er en mer kosete hamster som møter meg ved burdøra og hun kommer bort når jeg holder på i buret for å bli plukket opp så hun får kos og bli klappet før hun fortsetter mmed hva hun orginalt gjorde.

Winter Desert's Letti

Reg: 24-RR7

Born: 26.01.2024♒

Litter 4

Agouti husky recessive pied / AA hh ss D_ P_

Father: Dragon's Myyrä - Cinnamon

Mor: Dragon's Saamaton - Viltblå

Siblings: 5 sisters, 5 brothers

Pups: 5 (25.07.24)


Vekt: 30g

Piccoli Amici Neel


Born: 02.02.2024♒


Wildblue recessive pied / dd ss

Father: Picoli Amici Happy - Wildblue

Mom: Lilliput Amy Winehouse


Lengde: 8cm

Vekt: 40-41g

Skal i avl med Winter Desert's Cottonee ila sen høsten 2024. Håper på noen fine viltblå fargede pied's av dem. Har planer om å kanskje bruke han opp til 2 ganger til men det blir i 2025 en gang.

Winter Desert's Suicune

Reg: 23-RR72

Born: 16.07.2023♋

Litter 2

Wildblue / dd S_

Father: Cantata's Jawbox - Agouti

Morm: Cantata's Cera - Wildblue

Siblings: 2 sisters, 2 brothers

Siblins dad: 0

Siblings mom: 0

Pups: 9

Lengde: 9cm

Vekt: 30g

Suicune lives with Nokia Tune and they are keeping each other company while living their retired lives.

Winter Desert's Ole

Reg: 24-RR10

Born: 26.01.2024♒

Litter 4

Agouti / AA Dd Pp Ss

Father: Dragon's Mortimer - Agouti headspot 

Mom: Dragon's Löydetty Lohikäärme 


Siblings dad:

Siblings mom:


Lengde: cm

Vekt: g

Ole ended up being another keeper from litter 4 together with his sister Letti. Ole is part of a small side project i wanna work on which is breeding agouti without carrying any patterns like recessive spot which affects the color of the agouti. He currently is living with Peaches to keep her company in her old age after she returned to my hamstery.

Winter Desert's Peanøtt

Reg: 23-RR69

Born: 15.05.2023♉

Litter 1

Agouti  / AA Hh Ss D_ P_

Father: RockyRoad - Agouti dominant spot

Mom: Fantasia's Rotella - Agouti dominant spot

Littermates: 3 sisters, 1 brothers

Siblings dad: 13

Siblings mom: 3

Peanøtt (Peanut) is pet only and not for breeding. She was originally supposed to be used in breeding but i decided not to because her look does not meet the agouti standard as well as her temperament is not that good. She is extremly in need of being around other robos and can not live on her own so she ended up staying to have that possibility of always having atleast one but often times more than one other robo around for company.

Winter Desert's Peaches

Reg: 23-RR66

Born: 15.05.2023♉

Agouti recessive spot / AA ss Hh D_ P_

Litter 1

Father: RockyRoad - Agouti dominant pied

Mom: Fantasia's Rotella - Agouti dominant pied

Littermates: 3 sisters, 1 brother

Siblings dad:

Siblings mom:

Pups: Not in breeding

Has returned to me with her sister StarDust and is here to stay. They will be here as a pet for life.

Winter Desert's Marshmallow

Reg: 23-RR70

Born: 15.05.2023♉

Litter 1

Agouti recessive pied / AA ss Hh D_ P_

Far: RockyRoad - Agouti dominant spot 

Mom: Fantasia's Rotella - Agouti dominant spot 

Siblings: 3 sisters, 1 brother

Pups: 11

Marshmallow har vært en favoritt fra tidlig på med hennes herlige temperament og hun har vært en fantastisk mor for sine små. Lever pensjonist tilværelsen og er ferdig med avlskarrieren sin.

Dragon's Keskustassa

Reg: 23-RR78

Born: 01.05.2023♉


Agouti recessive pied / AA ss Hh D_ P_

Father: Dragon's Mini Meloni

Mom: Dragon's German Girl

Pups: 4

Keskus lives together with Marshmallow and the plan is for them to live out their lives together.

Dragon's Saamaton

Reg: 23-RR78

Born: 21.06.2023♊


Wildblue / dd Ss PP

Far: Dragon's Nipsu Napsu - Agouti recessive pied

Mom: Dragon's German Girl

Unger: 11 (Myyrä)

Saam is retired from breeding and lives with Myyrä.

Dragon's Nokia Tune

Reg: 23-RR79

Born: 16.06.2023♊


BEW / Dsds ss

Father: Dragon's Mortimer - Agouti headspot 

Mom: Dragon's Löydetty Lohikäärme 

Pups: 3 (+1 stillborn)

Nokia lives with Suicune again now that they are retired.

Winter Desert's Haribo

Reg: 23-RR67

Born: 15.05.2023♉

Litter 1

Agouti dominant spot / AA Dsds Ss H_ P_ 

Father: RockyRoad - Agouti dominant spot

Mom: Fantasia's Rotella - Agouti dominant pied

Littermates: 4 sisters

Siblings dad: 13

Siblings mom: 3


Lengde: 9cm

Vekt: 30,6 gram

Haribo was sold as a pet to Migoses Hamstery august 2023 and after talking about it we both decided he is a great hamster that i would love to have a litter on so he is set up to be bred with MewTwo, autumn/winter 2024.

Winter Desert's StarDust

Reg: 23-RR68

Born: 15.05.2023♉

Litter 1

Agouti recessive spot / AA ss Hh D_ P_

Father: RockyRoad - Agouti dominant pied

Mom: Fantasia's Rotella - Agouti dominant pied

Kullsøsken: 3 søstre, 1 bror

Siblings dad: 13

Siblings mom: 3

Pups: Not in breeding, pet only.

Has returned to me with her sister Peaches and is here to stay. They will be here as a pet for life.

Fantasia's Pascal

Reg: 23-RR69

Born: 12.04.2022♈



Agouti  / AA Dd Ss

Father: Luvax Fireball - Agouti

Mom: Fantasia's Steevie - Wildblue

Siblings: 3 sisters, 2 brothers

Siblings dad: 5 sisters, 6 brothers

Siblings mom:

Pups: 5

Dad for litter 2 with Cantata's Cera.

Dragon's Myyrä

Reg: 23-RR76

Born: 25.04.2023♉


Cinnamon / pp Dd Ss

Father: Dragon's Ossian ötökkä - Cinnamon

Mother: Dragon's Mother Gother - Cinnamon 

Pups: 4

Keskus lives together with Marshmallow and the plan is for them to live out their lives together.

Cantata's Cera

Reg: 23-RR3

Born: 20.12.2022♐


Wildblue / dd Hh Ss

Father: Fantasia's Pascal - Agouti recessive spot

Mor: Piccoli Amici Harmonie - Viltblå

Kullsøsken: 2 søstre, 2 brødre

Siblings dad: 

Siblings mom:

Pups: 5, 2 girls, 3 boys

Lives as a pet with Migoses Hamstery where she enjoys her retired life. Was sold there with her daughter Moltres. Is the daugther of Pascal and was my first non agouti roborovski.

Fantasia's Pascal

Reg: 23-RR69

Born: 18.07.2022♋ - 26.04.2024


Agouti  recessive pied / AA ss Dd Hh

Father: Dragon's Vanginvartija - Black eyed white

Mom: Fantasia's Steevie - Wildblue


Siblings dad: 4 halfbrothers, 6 halfsisters

Siblings mom:

Pups: 4

Did not end up being used for breeding here with me due to issues surrounding his fur most likely due to a stress trigger. The issue has not been seen in his daugther which i have, nor any of his grandchildren or great grandchildren.


Reg: 22-RR13

Born: 28.11.2022 - 08.06.23


Agouti dominant spot / AA Dsds Hh Pp Ss

Father: Lilliput's Brownie - Agouti

Mom: Cookie

Littermates: 2 sisters, 2 brothers

Siblings dad:

Siblings mom:

Pups: 18, 13 girls og 5 boys

Bought from the breeder Cantata but that is not his breeder. He has 2 sisters and 2 brothers, some of which have been used for breeding too. He is the father of my first litter. Very light color compared to how it is supposed to look.

Fantasia's Rotella

Reg: 23-RR78

Born: 18.04.2022♈ - 22.01.24


Agouti recessive spot / AA ss Hh D_ P_

Father: Dragon's Nipsu Napsu - Agouti recessive pied

Mom: Dragon's German Girl


Siblings dad:

Siblings mom:

Pups: 6 girls, 2 boys

Has returned to me with her sister StarDust and is here to stay. They will be here as a pet for life.

Saskia's Minun

Reg: 24-RR27

Born: 23.02.2024♒

Netherlands / Holland

Agouti headspot / AA DsDs ss D_ P_

Father: Saskia's Agouti headspot

Mom: Saskia's blackeyed white

Unger: avlsperre

Tatt ut av avl. Døde også av anfall som Plusle gjorde. Hun ble aldri avlet på.

Saskia's Plusle


Born: 25.02.2024♒


Cinnamon husky / pp hh

Father: Saskia's Cinnamon - pp Hh

Mom: Saskia's Husky - AA hh


Skulle ønske jeg tok flere bilder av han da jeg tenkte jeg har tid også hadde jeg ikke det. Han fikk flere anfall og ble avlivet etter han fikk alvorlig hjerneskade av ene anfallet.

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